Check out Consolvo Bikes Saint John Facebook or for more details.

Weekly Road rides every Monday at 6:00 pm leaving from Consolvo Bikes at Parkway Mall with Kevin Hayward, Luke Tudor, Peter Guravich, and Paul Echols. No one will be left behind. Lights are encouraged when riding at dusk. Usually ride info is posted by 5 pm every Monday on our facebook page: Consolvo Bikes Saint John.

Call 506-640-0777 for more info.

Please join Saint John cycling to be covered by their insurance for all club rides. Saint John Cycling is selling socks in our store.  Come out and get a pair.


Mountain Bike rides start in April on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm from Upper Fisher Lakes parking lot in Rockwood Park. Fast group leaves with Kevin Hayward.

Youth and Family oriented group leaves with Bill Consolvo, and Jason and Kim Burry same time same place and in the fall they meet on Sundays at 2 pm in Rockwood Park.

We strongly suggest that you join either Saint John Cycling or Velo NB to be covered by insurance.

Fat Bike rides are happening now in December – March every Saturday or Sunday at 2 pm with Bill and location to be announced on facebook.


Saturday ride at Spruce Lake Robin Doull, Andrew Dacres, Jill Lloyd, and Bill Consolvo with Fat bikes above.

Bill and Rick Benson above

Michael, Rick, and Brendan Benson below

Call Bill if you need to  rent one for $50.00 a day.


Ivan, Kevin Hayward, and Jill Lloyd at Rockwood Park above.

We have a new Cag One skate sharpener ready to sharpen your skates at $6.00 taxes included. You can buy a card for $25.00 and get 5 pair sharpened for $25.00 instead of $30.00 with a hole punched each time.


Cyclocross race was a huge success and a big thanks to Kevin Hayward and all of his volunteers and to Aaron Lloyd with Rockwood Park. Thanks to our sponsors Consolvo Bikes, Specialized, Norco, Shimano, and Subway.

We had 42 racers who had a great time


Please call 640-0777 for more information. Photo taken by Kevin of our

first group ride of the season in 2015.


A big thanks to all 56 racers who participated in the 7th annual Fall Cyclocross Race in
Nauwigewauk in the rain, and a big thanks to Dean Roberts and his crew for the great course
and the memorable spiral of doom, a video that you can view on facebook by Marci Webb

and a big thanks to Dean Roberts and all of his volunteers for putting on a great race.


Shop to shop ride was grueling in the heat on Saturday July 6, 2013 for
Ray Brown who rode 164km on his fixee and other riders Cory Alexander
and Jay Bustin.
They made it from Consolvo Bikes Moncton to Darlings
Island Bike Shop where Bill and Craig were waiting for them.
Way to go guys!

Ben Green on the left.

Check out for upcoming races and events this season. They have Cross Country, Downhill, BMX, Cyclocross and Road Races throughout the season.

Mondays and Wednesdays!

Unisex Rides start in the spring at 6 pm. Every Monday and Wednesday meet at the Consolvo Bikes or designated location with Kevin Hayward and no one will be left behind. After October 1 it will change to
Cyclocross rides and place and time to be announced. They may have a brew or something to eat afterwards.
Call 506-640-0777 for more information.

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Mens Road Rides

Every Thursday at 6:00 pm. Fast paced road bike ride. Meet at Rothesay Post Office across from Rothesay commons, ready to ride at 6:00 pm. Contact Mark Mosher.
They have a great group of riders.

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Quick Chicks Road Rides

Women every Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. meet at Bikes and Beans ready to ride with your helmet and bike. For more info call Marci at 849-BIKE

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Wednesdays CO-ED Saint John Touring Group

Every Wednesday meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Gondola Point side of the Gondola Point Ferry for a moderately paced road ride on the Kingston Peninsula.

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Hampton Courthouse Ride

Park in the Hampton Tourist information center parking lot or behind courthouse or in Irving Gas station; it is always polite to ask business if
you can park there first before leaving your car.

1. Start in front of Courthouse on Main St.
2. Pass Pizza Delight on left go over railroad tracks
3. Pass Kozy Korner Restaurant on left
4. Go through green bridge
5. Pass Kredl’s on left keep straight
6. Heading towards Bloomfield go straight on Hwy 121 or Main St.
7. Pass Evelyn’s Bed and Breakfast on the right and pass church on the left.
8. Turn right at the sign for Bloomfield Station Rd.
9. Go straight and you’ll pass cemetery on the right and another church on the left
10. Go through Covered Bridge straight
11. Go through wooden bridge
12. Go across railroad tracks then up a steep hill put in lowest gear on your bike
13. At top of the hill turn Right onto Centennial Rd. now on Hampton Time Trial course 14. and go straight for a long way
15. Pass sign for Reynolds Auto Salvage on Right
16. Go almost to end up a gradual long hill bear right back towards Courthouse on Centennial Rd.
17. Go straight will come into Hampton pass by neighborhoods and Court House will be on your right.
18. You have just finished a 30-35 km road ride! Congratulations!

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